Pinched Nerves. Headaches. Facial Pain. Vertigo. Neck Pain. Back Pain. Nervous System Irritation.
Body Imbalance. Brain Fog. Shoulder Pain. Uneven Shoulders. Multiple Sclerosis.
We can help.
Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic Research
Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADD/ ADHD and other nervous system activity symptoms are becoming more common everywhere we look. Our children are suffering with their school work, social gatherings, and sporting events as well as inside the home with family. The cause is yet to be understood, but we have seen some strong correlations between brain and nervous system dysfunction as it relates to the outside environment - such as mobile phones, radio waves, microwaves, and other electromagnetic radiation. We have also seen food play a major role in helping or harming our children with sensitivities and allergies.
There must be a solution and noninvasive treatment for ADD and ADHD. There must be an underlying principle that can improve our children's ability to adapt to their environment, both inside and out. Aside from obvious - feed our children health whole food, clean water, and limit electronic usage. We found a noninvasive drugless treatment to help with ADD and ADHD.
Below you will find research articles by topic. Our Boca Raton Chiropractor gathered evidence to demonstrate a drugless solution to ADD/ADHD. The fundamental treatment for ADD/ADHD and nervous system disorders as it relates to the research has to do with assessing the integrity of the spinal and its protective neck and back bones.
We have found that your child's neck and back can shift out of alignment and cause stress to your child's nervous system. This can greatly affect your child's ability to focus, sit still, and develop as he/she was designed. If your child has this problem -- Pain is not a symptoms -- a deficit in function is -- hence the ADD/ADHD diagnosis.
If your child has this problem and it gets corrected by a Specific Chiropractor we should expect a positive outcome and lessening of symptoms.
Visit or call our East Boca Chiropractor for more information on ADD/ADHD treatments in Boca Raton or South Florida.
Sweat MH. Attention Deficit Disorder. 12th Annual Upper Cervical Conference, Life College, Marietta, GA, November 18-19, 1995.
Elster EL. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care for a Nine-Year-Old Male with Tourette Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Depression, Asthma, Insomnia, and Headaches: A Case Report. J Vertebral Subluxation Res, July 12, 2003:1-11.
Stone-McCoy PA, Przybysz L. Chiropractic Management of a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder & Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study. J Pediatr, Maternal & Family Health, March 1, 2009:1-8.
Wolfertz MT, Dahlberg VL. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care for a Sixteen-Year-Old Male with Bipolar Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Vertebral Subluxation. J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res, June 20, 2012:55-62.
Dickholtz M, White E. Improvement in Quality of Life, Sleep & Attention in a Patient with Attention Deficit Disorder Undergoing Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Report. J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res, August 27, 2012:71-6.
Bagnaro N. Improvement in Subjective, Academic and TOVA Measures in a Child with ADHD Following Upper Cervical Chiropractic Management. J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res, July 10, 2014:42-6.
Manis AJ, Rubinstein MM. Resolution of Motor Tics, ADHD and Discontinuation of Medications in a 10 Year Old Male Twin Following Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care: A Case Study. J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res, November 21, 2014:68-71.
Anxiety, Asthma, and Neurological Conditions
It is growing more common to have symptoms of anxiety, asthma, and other neurological conditions, including depression, migraines, headaches, etc. We have gathered research papers for your convenience. Many patients are being forced to seek treatment through a non-invasive and drugless way. We are finding that our neck and back play a huge role in the symptoms of depression, headaches, migraines, asthma, and anxiety. Our body can shift out of alignment and stress and irritate our nervous system.
This subtle shift can contribute to a host of neurological conditions. If you have this problem - it is important to correct it by visiting a Specific Chiropractor. The cases outlined below demonstrate the significance of getting a spinal examination and an adjustment to correct the underlying condition to your health problem. Our bodies work better when our bodies are realigned. There are cases of complete resolution of anxiety, asthma, migraines, headaches, and other neurological symptoms be correcting the underlying dysfunction in the neck or back.
Visit or call our Chiropractor in Boca Raton for more information on anxiety treatment, asthma treatment, and treatment for various neurological condtions.
Hubbard TA, Kane JD. Chiropractic Management of Essential Tremor and Migraine: A Case Report. J Chiropr Med, 2012; 11:121-6.
Nardi J. Resolution of Irritable Bowel Symptomatology in a Patient Undergoing Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care. J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res, April 18, 2013:25-31.
Roth L, Zelman D, Clum L, Roth J. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care as a Complementary Strategy for Depression and Anxiety: A Prospective Case Series Analysis. J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res, June 20, 2013:49-59.
Killinger LZ. Chiropractic Care in the Treatment of Asthma. Palmer J Res, 1995; 2(3):74-7.
Peet JB, Marko SK, Piekarczyk W. Chiropractic Response in the Pediatric Patient with Asthma: A Pilot Study. Chiro Pediatrics, 1995; 1(4):9-13.
Peet JB. Case Study: Eight Year Old Female with Chronic Asthma. Chiropr Pediatrics, 1997; 3(2):9-12.
Hunt JM. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care of a Pediatric Patient with Asthma: A Case Study. J Clin Chiropr Pediatr, 2000; 5(1):318-21.
Elster EL. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care for a Nine-Year-Old Male with Tourette Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Depression, Asthma, Insomnia, and Headaches: A Case Report. J Vertebral Subluxation Res, July 12, 2003:1-11.
Rectenwald R. Resolution of Severe Chronic Asthma in an Infant Following Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care to Reduce Subluxation. J Pediatr, Maternal & Family Health, May 26, 2014:27-9.